The Agricultural History Archive in Wels, Upper Austria, is the first point of contact for the subject of "Historical Agricultural Engineering" in German-speaking countries.
It is available to all interested parties and is constantly being supplemented, expanded and digitized in order to preserve it in an easily accessible form for posterity.
The Agricultural History Archive in Wels in Upper Austria houses the largest known collection of historically relevant documents in Central Europe on the development of agricultural technology since 1663. The most important milestones in agricultural history are presented in a separate exhibition in the house museum. A separate exhibition area is also dedicated to the favorite device of all farmers and classic car enthusiasts, the tractor.
How is the Agricultural History Archive structured? How do you properly store a historical document? Find out more about the system, equipment and technology of our archive.
The heart of the agricultural history archive is exhibited in the house museum. Unique documents from contemporary history attest to the greatest achievements and milestones in agricultural engineering history.
The Prillinger Collection in the Agricultural History Archive with over 850,000 items consists of brochures, price lists, operating instructions, spare parts lists, posters, company descriptions, and specialist books.
It is thanks to KR Prof. Karl Prillinger's irrepressible passion for collecting and his great historical knowledge that his agricultural history archive has become Europe's largest collection of documents on the subject of "agricultural engineering".
Find out here how his passion for agricultural engineering made him a successful entrepreneur.
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300 Jahre Landtechnik in einer übersichtlichen Broschüre zusammengefasst
Visit us at the Agricultural History Archive in Wels, Upper Austria
and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of agricultural engineering!
Note: It is essential to register in advance.
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Visits are only possible by prior arrangement.
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